Conservation Through Collaboration
NOTE: On October 22, 2020, RMEK Council voted against PEI Energy's application for 7 sixty story high wind turbines. You may still find this information of interest.
The PEI Energy Corporation is once again lobbying Eastern Kings council to approve the construction of 7 new wind turbines. The 7 turbines would each be up to 200 meters in height (more than 600 feet) with a propeller radius almost twice that of the existing wind turbines. These are in addition to the ten turbines already in Eastern Kings. The PEI Energy Corporation is demanding new wind turbines that are bigger, higher and closer to the shore than the original wind turbines. They are pushing council for a quick decision without due public consultation, filing an incomplete proposal, disregard for property owners in-put and a lack of transparency throughout the process.
There are several reason why we are against the construction of wind turbines as outlined below.

Environmental Concerns
Set Backs
PEI Energy is requesting, from Eastern Kings Council, a reduction in the distance the turbines can be placed from the shoreline (called the set back). Â They want to place these huge, noisy turbines close to the coast. Â Think about this picture, but with a wind turbine farm overwhelming the pristine beauty of the area.
Birds and Bats
"...more than 1.4 million bird deaths (resulting from wind turbines) in the U.S. are projected by 2030 or earlier"
American Bird Conservancy
East Point is part of the Atlantic Flyway which is a major north-south flyway for migratory birds in North America. Every year, migratory birds travel up and down this route following food sources, heading to breeding grounds, or travelling to overwintering sites. Along the Atlantic Flyway, there are many key sites, including East Point, that migratory birds use to gather, to breed, feed, or rest for certain periods. In summer, the area around East Point is home to many bird species from South America.
Birds are harmed by wind turbines in two ways
Direct collision
Reduction of habitats and breeding grounds
The negative impact of wind turbines on birds and bats is well documented.
Click on the "Reports & Data" menu tab for detailed information.

Desecration of a unique area of the world
The visual impact will be profound, robbing Eastern Kings of its pristine natural beauty. Giant wind turbines will forever change this place from the wondrous area it now is into an industrial and intrusive eyesore. Polluting the vistas with noisy, steel monoliths will also have a negative economic impact. Tourists who visit come up here specifically to experience our stunning scenery and that will stop if the turbines go up. See "Tourist Survey and Economic Impact."
The wind industry has denied and ignored evidence directly linking wind turbines and sleep disruption leading to negative human and animal impacts worldwide.
“Noise pollution is more than a nuisance, excessive noise is a health risk - contributing to cardiovascular diseases, for example.”
World Health Organization (2018)
Click on the "Reports & Data" menu tab for detailed information.
Potable Water
Potable Water
Massive vibrations resulting from the construction and operation of wind turbines can pollute aquifers and private water wells. The taller the turbine, the higher the chance of poisoning the water supply. Court cases against wind turbine comp-anies in Ontario are on-going and new research on the negative impact of wind turbines on drinking water is coming to light.
Click on the "Reports & Data" menu tab for detailed information.

"We wouldn't come back"
We conducted an informal survey at East Point Lighthouse and North Lake. We asked tourists if they would come back and/or recommend the area to others if 170 metre tall wind turbines were scattered across the area. The majority said no. Given the number of restaurants, cottage rentals, motels, stores, contractors, etc. we should never discount the long term economic impact more turbines will have on Eastern Kings.
"About one-quarter of the surveyed tourists considered chosing another beach if offshore wind turbines were installed less than 10 km away from the coast. This share diminishes significantly with increasing distances between turbines and the coast."
Brokel and Alfken (2015)
Click on the "Reports & Data" menu tab for the full detailed study.
The Nose Dive
Landowners living near large wind farms suffer from…decreased property values of 22 to 55 per cent.
Ontario Superior Court (2013)
A reduction in property values is assured if the turbines go up. Not just for non resident property owners but for almost everyone who lives here. Peer reviewed studies indicate a potential loss of upward of 55% of your pre-turbine homes value (dependent on physical distance and site line).
Click on the "Reports & Data" menu tab for detailed information.