Conservation Through Collaboration

Eastern kings community association
conservation through collaboration

Appeal Denied
Wind Turbines - Status
As of January 17, 2024 -
In October 2020 Eastern Kings council denied P.E.I. Energy Corporation’s proposal to build 7 massive wind turbines in Eastern Kings. They voted 3 – 1 to protect an ecological treasure by not permitting 600-foot turbines.
PEI Energy's first response to the denial was to insult council and the Eastern Kings community by stating that the Eastern Kings council lacked the expertise to make the decision it did.
"They are a small council, a community of 700 people, so it's understandable they wouldn't know how to deal with an application like this." (PEI Energy Corporation)
This in spite of the hundreds of hours council spent researching and assessing the proposal before voting.
PEI Energy Corporation’s second response was to argue for the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission to overturn that decision. The appeal was made in April 2021 and IRAC has yet to decide. The Eastern Kings Community Association ensured our community was represented at the appeal. Further updates to come.
In Response
Wind Turbines - What EKCA Is Doing
The EKCA along with many community members have investigated legal action to appeal IRAC's decision. It has proven to be cost-prohibitive. Our courses of action are as follows:
A media campaign based on the PEI government's refusal to accept the decision made by the local council to reject the wind farm. A dangerous precedent for all of rural PEI. Under the letters tab read the letter by Susan Sherwood that effectively questions the government's need to force this issue through and the resulting "loss of trust."
A media and community campaign to underscore the tremendous damage the wind turbines will have on the East Popint environment including the destruction of valuable wetlands. (see "Birds Canada) article under the Letters tab)
Under the letters tab read the letter that well reveals the government's incompetence and potential corruption.
A public challenge to Premier Dennis King to come to East Point and explain why the government overturned the council's decision and why they are forcing this project on the community.
Question how Stephen Myers can hold two opposing ministerial portfolios (Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Action).
Bringing attention to the mostly inoperative Hermanville turbines including the recent incident concerning blades flying off (see the CBC article under the Letters tab).